Your Project
Our Client Design Procedure
Customers’ needs have always been a high priority for Murray. He is dedicated to ensuring a good architecturally designed home that will suit the client, site and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. A good designer will also increase property values and decrease unnecessary construction costs.

The Brief

Obtaining Information

Preliminary Plans

Developed Design

Working Drawings
These are the drawings and specifications that will be submitted to the local authority in the Bay of Plenty for building consent lodgement and these are plans the builder will use to build the house or complete renovations. The drawings will show all construction elements that are to be used and where they will be used. The extent of the working drawings will depend on the complexity of the project and may include engineering and other consultant advice, which may be required to provide additional information at this stage. It is very important to have a comprehensive set of working drawings. A well-drawn and detailed set of plans will solve any problems befor the project starts, reducing any variations later that may add additional cost to a contractor’s quote.
Please Note…
Restricted Building work must be completed by licensed building practitioners.
Let’s Build Something
“I do not limit myself by my past, but propel myself forward competently having the knowledge and capability for new and different future design projects” – Murray Weatherly.